nor need to be Sherlock Holmes or have a Ph.D. in Political Science to see where a lot of it is "coming from"
. . . many of you likely remember my "predictions" from last year that Trump's "Presidency" (is that word even appropriate) would be "troubled" and chaotic, as well as my prediction that he would "resign"
because he "had to"
you may also remember my prediction that they (Trump's "team" -- I mean Billionaire yes men) would be so "inept" that they could not repeal Obamacare nor pass any meaningful legislation all year long -- no tax bill, no "wall" no anything really
other than a giant maintenance bill for keeping up with their chaos
. . . what you might NOT REMEMBER, though, is my statement last year that electing Trump was part of our "collective karma" -- literally, our #SHADOW made manifest
and I "warned" that his Presidency would cause those with certain anxieties (about 75% of the United States) to see those anxieties #triggered on a national scale
#Trump is a sick man and not only that -- his sickness is #contagious
and that, boys and girls, is how I "see it"