as you evolve, you move (in a fluctuating cosmic dance) ever closer or further away from the benefits (or challenges) inherent within these particular "probable life paths"
added to this dance is an ever evolving series of "tests" (not really an accurate statement literally, but metaphorically an apt one) that allow you to gain (or sometimes lose) "levels of access"
to the grid of probable futures housed in the Spirit World -- a "real world" in/to which we are constantly connected, literally a foot in each place
as we evolve into higher realms of awareness (literally facilitated through gaining higher levels of "access" to information) we are "gifted" with glimpses of these "probable paths"
at the "high end" what (literally) happens is this:
.. . . we "see the future" and in recognizing this probability, we gain the impetus to create conditions most suitable for birthing this probability into actual existence
we see "A FUTURE" and this vision serves as jet fuel to "act"
the action brings the probable future into reality
the present and the future linked, literally
. . . due to aligning with the states of being most conducive to "connecting"