Sure, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle costume still fits and it is always a good idea to dress up as the naughty nurse or pick up something from Friday the Thirteenth 13 . . . but maybe, just maybe, THIS year you want to do something a little . . . different.
How different? Tap in to the cosmic vault different. Akashic Record different. Re In Car Ney Shun.
That kind of different. Come as you Were -- time to let your true karmic colors shine !!
But, ok -- how, exactly, am I supposed to do that? I'm psychic; I can HEAR you saying this. How do you do that -- how do you "discover" who (or what) you were? Well, there are a couple of quick ways to do that. One is through a concept called "karmic resonance" -- in essence, what times or places do you "vibe" with, feel a special, gosh I don't know where that came from, affinity.
You don't know why the Roman Empire fascinates you SO MUCH; it just does. And every time you see furniture that has a certain "look" to it, you get this weird, creepy "feeling", either it is something sort of familiar (in some not easily described way) OR just the opposite. When you see it you IMMEDIATELY don't like it !!
These feelings are "clues"-- and architecture and furniture (and food, too) are signs along the karmic highway pointing towards a time and place you may have lived once before. OK, I hear you saying to yourself, "seriously, dude, wtf !! How do I know there IS such a thing as a past life, much less identify my own?"
And that is a reasonable question to ask and one, truthfully, no one can answer with 100 % confidence. However, I have done a lot of research as well as dipping into my own "inner vault" for 35 years and the "validity" of reincarnation seems more and more likely to me as the years pass. Past lives, back when I still did "psychic readings", were a big part of my practice. I have written books about it and was even voted, just this Spring, as the 57th Best/Most Trusted Psychic in the World . . . but, none of that can be used as "proof". Still, there are many compelling reasons why I feel reincarnation is fact, not theory.
Getting back, though, to our karmic clothes closet, as we sort through what to wear this Halloween, another method for tapping in to past lives involves a process called "past life regression". This is a guided meditation and there are many regression tapes and videos online that you can listen to, for free. Just check out youtube or Google. Regressions are vision quests that allow you to tap in to inner "home movies", movies that circumvent the road blocks the subconscious mind throws in our path to keep us from accessing past life memories.
Back in the 1980's, I worked at a New Age bookstore called "Pearls of Wisdom" and we used to throw "Come as You Were" parties -- and truly a more rockn party was hard to find. There is just enough mystery in past lives to make it a bit "spooky" straight from jump so as a Halloween "add-on" it makes perfect sense. This year, take some time to sit quietly and just allow yourself to "see" who you WERE -- tell yourself that you are going to be shown something about your past life/lives and trust your instincts. Maybe you weren't a Ninja Turtle and that sucks, of course, if you've had Raphael's suit already dry-cleaned . . . but putting together your ensemble, knowing it is related to your own, cosmic, history is kind of exciting.
Don't be afraid to look to the past to figure out what to wear this Halloween. There will be still a few naughty nurses, for which we can all be thankful but don't be afaid to look inside to see what looks best on the outside.
Come as you WERE -- Karmic Couture. Truly, it looks good on YOU :)
Here is a list of all the others on the ParaGoddess Halloween Blog Tour . . also, next up tomorrow on the 21st is Susan Hanniford Crowley: http://nightsofpassion.wordpress.com/
Oct. 19 Gabrielle Faust
Oct. 20 Andrew Brewer
Oct. 21 Susan Hanniford Crowley
Oct. 22 Amy Williamson
Oct. 23 Candi Fox
Oct. 24 Jason Black
Oct. 25 Nadia Romanov
Oct. 26 Jennifer Leigh Scott
Oct. 27 Shoshi
Oct. 28 Karyn Dolan
Oct. 29 Brady Allen
Oct. 30 Jessica Subject
Oct. 31 JoLynne Valerie