but he was also an anti-intellectual racist
who supported George Wallace, read nothing other than the NRA Magazine and The Chilton Auto Manual (with maybe a pulp western paperback once in a blue moon), repeated over and over "there's nothing sorrier than a white woman with a -- (insert negative term for African-American male here)"
. . . smh :(
and called his only child "Oddball" (and for those careful readers of my narrative, you will have easily figured out that my father's not so loving nickname for me was, in fact, "Oddball") because he wanted to read books or play football instead of rebuild carburetors
needless to say, this was a tree from which I strayed far far far away !!!!
so when I see racist narrow-minded knee jerk bull shit it not only offends my sensibilities, it also leads to quite significant "flashbacks" to my childhood
I enjoy being a Libtard and will fight for the rights of all who the "anti-Libtards" oppose
because I have seen racism up close and personal my whole life :(
and I am long since "over it"