you have to take an active role is speaking out against racism and sexism and yeah, you're gonna piss somebody off
and there are times when having a live face to face may be uncomfortable or scary (because I have had dozens of these; one of the benefits of being an obsessive body builder) -- but a whole lot less uncomfortable or scary than how it feels to be "driving while black" and pulled over by a good ole boy police man
or being a young gay man or woman and a bunch of closeted power trippin' dudes get in their face
yes, it would be nice if we could all sit in our chakra bubbles and just create our own reality and it will all be ok
but not everyone starts with the "same reality" from which to create
and much of American domestic policy is taken from old training manuals right now of the KKK
if you don't stand up for women or you don't stand up for minorities, actively put yourself on the line when it's necessary and be willing to risk something
then fuck ya
you're part of the oppression
white men need to put the white privilege down for a second and try to make the world a better place
and no, it is NOT a better place when it is run by white men for their benefit only