but we always cared about each other . . . "Psychic World" is too often a madhouse filled with jealousy and pettiness
not for "the meek"; Allie was my pal and we didn't have that with each other
there is a lesson here, I think; we are (too often) quick to throw away friendships, especially in the high wire world of semi-famous psychics
but "true friends" are worth a lot more than being on TV or being interviewed in a magazine or whatever
never let your desire to get ahead blind you to who is truly in your corner and you won't know that until you have reasons to suspect they might not be -- and find out (happily) you're wrong
Allie was amazing . . . I loved her and miss her so much
but . . . please pay attention to what I am saying; true friends in Psychic World are few and far between
the ones who love you "for you" and not your latest "ratings" are the keepers who make life worth living
never forget this