yet to get anywhere you have to recognize that YOUR MIND
is the only rule book there is . . . and all the dogma and strict adherence to "formulas"
don't mean shit if you aren't (a) willing to invest your heart in whatever you do
and (b) believe you are "worthy" for the results following said "rule book" . . . PROMISES to give you
quick story; back in the 1980's, I worked at a "New Age" bookstore called Pearls of Wisdom and many people would come into the store who were "devotees" to a certain philosophy regarding diet and health
didn't matter which of the many schools of thought they followed -- what mattered was their outward "devotion" to the rules
and me, being something of my own free spirited "thang" did and ate whatever crossed my mind at the time
and once in a while I might be sitting there eating french fries or who knows what and the person over in the "Health" section would come over to me and "lecture me" as to why whatever I was doing was "bad"
but the proof in the puddn (so to speak) was this -- in the 1980's, I had a lovely nickname: "The Psychic Adonis"
and this was based on the observable notion at the time that I was sort of Adonis-like, solid muscle, no fat etc etc
and usually the people lecturing me on how I was "unhealthy" -- and conversely they had it "goin' on"
looked like shit and probably couldn't walk through the store for 30 minutes without finding a bench
and 30 years later I am still sort of "Adonis-like" so I guess I wasn't that far off doing it "my way"
I thought about what I ate, I worked hard . . . but I didn't get wrapped up in somebodies definition of how it should be "done"
because I was unwilling to get on the bus with the herd . . . and the reason for that was because I wanted to be the baddest mother fucker around
even if it took a while to get there
and them? . . . they all wanted to "fit in" with the herd
choices etc etc
same holds true in the cosmic fun house I lovingly call "Psychic World"
some people will say you have to do a chant or say a prayer or 5 Hail Mary's or 22 Namastes or whatever
and me, outlaw that I am, do none of this . . . of course, I spent 6 years in my 20's meditating 30-40 hours every week, literally
and I've practiced for 40 years, working in my own way ALL THE TIME
but because I don't look nor act or sound like what some people think you should since they have a "rule book"
then . . . well, you know what's coming
they feel compelled AND QUALIFIED
. . . to "lecture me" on how I do it "wrong"
but just like Psychic Adonis vs overweight unhealthy-looking "health FANATIC"
if the person doing the Namastes and chanting can't "see" anything and you're an outlaw and do your thing your way
. . and YOU CAN
then the proof is in "the proof"
not the rule book
fuck rule books . . . be willing to experiment, try shit on even if it doesn't fit
be willing to take chances
fuck rule books
be your own road map