Yes, it would have been nice to have seamlessly transitioned from my corporate success into a deeper understanding of why I "tick" or how to move into higher and higher "gears" as a clairvoyant.
It would be nice, too, if there was an expensive weekend retreat I could go to and not get my mind or heart dirty and could learn just enough to satisfy my curiosity and then go back to my "safe haven".
But that is a myth. True spiritual understanding typically comes from having a backdrop of darkness opposing your vision of the light and moving into the "higher realms" as a psychic or visionary or spiritual seeker or whatever you may want to call yourself is a long winding road, filled with broken toes and steep cliffs. It takes time . . . and it takes a lot of courage.
The trick to developing as a psychic is to root out all the messages telling you why you can't or shouldn't BE a psychic -- as well as looking at this very important piece of the inner puzzle . . . the ones typically telling you what the place "looks like" have never been there.
Just as spiritual teachers who bring up inconvenient questions are often shunned, so, too, are psychics who don't package their gifts in a nice little bow. I am not the only one BY FAR about whom this could be said . . . remember, the path involves cliff-hangars and villains galore, much like a Hollywood Serial of the 1920's, and the more you open the deep wounds you need to open in order to remove the scar tissue standing BETWEEN you and "the truth", the more physically (and psychologically) vulnerable you become.
The mythology of psychic ability "sells" a lot better than the reality but the reality is just as amazing. When people say "oh if you're psychic you'll know INSERT GRANDMA'S NAME OR WHAT AM I THINKING RIGHT NOW" I just shake my head because I know what I'm THINKING -- they just don't understand how it "works". And at this stage of the game my self-esteem is way too high to crawl in the mud with them.
Michael Jordan didn't make every shot, Babe Ruth didn't hit a home run every game, not everything written by Hemingway or Faulkner is worth reading . . . psychic ability is a heightened level of perception -- heightened NOT absolute. When we see it from that vantage point, then the idiotic stances of "oh if you're 'psychic' you'll do . . . " are signs of their lack of understanding, not a weakness within US.
I am happy to talk with skeptics but I get bored VERY QUICKLY with zealots. An open mind is beautiful but debating a closed fist clutching a weak mind bulging with old useless knick knacks is not my idea of the best way to spend my afternoon. For those of you still developing (I guess that would be all of us, right ??) please remember this: there are NO shortcuts.
It takes time, it is often painful and confusing and the desire to do anything OTHER than look at this will be overwhelming more than once in your life time. Stick with it for "the pearl of great price is not easily found" . . . and for those who take short cuts and mock you for doing it the right way you must trust that this path has a destination . . . it is not ONLY a crazy thrill ride in some B-Movie Carnival Horror Film; it is the most beautiful path there is.
There are NO short cuts and very few road maps (and those always leave out the washed away bridges) . . . there is only GO.