Admit it, someone you know over the past 2-3 months has begun to act or sound "different" -- this could, of course, include you. I have been saying, for a long time, that as we move into a "higher vibration" (which I, personally, believe is happening) some will adapt quite nicely while others will shake and bake from within.
Who you are WILL come out -- good, bad, or indifferent. Uranus square Pluto, right? What was hidden will be revealed. I don't find it at all surprising that Boy Scouts were molested, in the thousands, over the past 50 years and that this was both hushed up AND brought to light right now. There are more of these "revelations" yet to come. But more than skeletons rattling in over-stuffed closets, it is the soul's yearning to be heard that (to me) is revving up the sub-tweeter most.
We are, collectively, working towards wholeness. For those who have looked to the only place where this can be revealed -- within themselves -- this is likely to be a bit of a sketchy time but all for the good. For those who have "shut off" the inner voice, most likely due to fear of what it might say . . . well then this time is a big ole "thud" to the nervous system.
I hate it for ya but these next 3 months . . . well they are gonna fuck with you. Hard.
I predicted, starting in March, 2007, that the "2012 Consciousness" would start the week of September 15, 2008 . . . that was the week "bail out" was first introduced into the collective consciousness of the United States and the rest of the world. That was the collective "trigger" . . . now the balloon payment on the subconscious contract is coming due. Some will prosper, others will suffer. To make the most of this time it is important that you march to your own beat. You may not know what that beat is, but if you listen and try to dance, however awkwardly, to your own song, then this is your time and the beat will be revealed -- in full orchestration.
Listen . . .
You are the only song that matters. Live your life knowing this is True :)