all progress is a result of integrating with the "energy of progress"
if you desire love, align wth "lovable energy" . . . if you desire wealth, align with the energy of prosperity
this is done just this way -- you become aligned with love by first loving yourself, and trusting that love is "real"
then taking action to share love with others
love flows and if you are in that flow, it will circle back around to you
if not, if you don't trust it, it won't "trust you"
same with wealth, same with health, same with anything
but thinking is not enough, the thinking, the FEELING must be followed by embracing this belief
and in that embrace, action will follow
belief underscores action
simple :)
but . . . getting in our own way
how do we stop this?
ah, of course, this is the complication . . . as we are bombarded with reasons why trusting there is a spiritual harmony underlying everything is "risky"
and the "recognition" of risk leads to fear and fear . . . well that stops flow
there is a spiritual "harmony" -- an interconnectedness to it "all"
you simply have to step into the water, know the water "is good" and away you go
but until you know the water is ok, you sit on the rocks and wonder
and wait
and the river, and all that is good within it
. . . passes on by
trust in God, in spiritual harmony
do that and things will "work"