that firing the FBI Director or giving state secrets to Russian diplomats or having the country function as a concierge travel agent for Trump's friends and family -- not to mention the preponderance of evidence that he is trying to stop this investigation (for some reason) suggesting (at a minimum) "obstruction of justice"
even with ALL THIS, they will pretzel themselves into knots spouting Hillary this, Obama that and then some crazy mad thing about wikileaks or pizzagate . . . in 1974, during Watergate, most people picked sides but when something obvious was, well, "obvious" people could see it
now we have been ritalin'd and Fox News'd into some sort of cognitive catatonia
there is no "alternate fact" big enough to obscure the facts which most people can see -- somebody did something and the somebody includes people close to Trump (and perhaps, still TBD, Trump himself)
and the something is allow oneself to be bought and paid for by a foreign power whose interests supersede the collective good of most Americans
and for you few still holding on for dear life that Trump is a hero for the "common man", please please PLEASE look at his policies and look at his political appointees
Trump cares about Trump and the ONLY thing he cares about with the "common man" is that the common man ALSO
cares about Trump
clang clang clang -- the alarm clock is going OFF