yet EVERYONE seems to want to talk about Religion
I love God, God is on my side, God works in mysterious ways, etc etc etc
but until you get some handle on the "truth" of Reincarnation and how it must operate (and why)
you're missing at least half the story -- kind of an important half
yet few people are willing to study it and try to use accumulated bits of "evidence" --- no different than Copernicus, or Newton, or Einstein, or Freud, or anyone else
to postulate theories as to how it might work and then test drive those theories to see if accumulated "anecdotal evidence" might "match" the theory
I find this really
Sherrie Lea Laird and I both have explored this world independently of one another; we have our memories and we have stories of what it all means
more importantly, we have names, dates, and faces with which to compare our current life with "probable past lives"
and no matter how much "data" we may accumulate or "memories" we may have or famous psychics (fellow psychics !!) saying "yes, that was you"
there is no ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY -- it is all a theory but we are trying to say "hey, within the theory of how it MIGHT work, do these lifetimes seem to prove, to whatever extent they can, the constructs of the theory being tested?"
in doing all this, we have both the visual element -- actresses from the 20th Century of whom there are lots of photos
. . . as well as the birth dates (and death dates) to compare to our own to confirm (or not) any astrological matching (again, as a means of testing a "theoretical" model that a match might, or should, exist)
each of us (in Sherrie's case this has already happened) would likely pass a very rigid biometric analysis of the past life "facial structure" with our own today
and the personalities and emotional styles of the former lifetimes, as evidenced through anecdotal histories, we also have to use as a baseline
in addition, as actresses with filmed records of speech patterns, facial features (and facial expressions), movement and body types (including hands and ears -- two weird features that also tend to "repeat")
we have additional levels of data on which to make comparisons
and remember, too -- I have written about 6 different "possible past lives", with all the same kinds of available data (although without, of course, all the film nor so many photos as exist for Adrienne Ames)
in addition to my ideas as to the specific reincarnation (before and "after") of a handful of celebrities, in addition to my own
Sherrie's case as Marilyn Monroe being one of those past cases about which I have written :)
Reincarnation is important . . . I have donated the past 40 years of my life to studying it (when, quite honestly, there would have been much more "productive" ways in which to have passed the time !!)
and I "ain't done" (a) trying to understand it and (b) wanting to talk about it
I think (and I believe Sherrie likely does, too) that it matters
a lot
together, we have two sort of "interesting" cases -- and we aren't the only ones, either
maybe it is time for those of us with documented "stories" and fairly compelling "possible matches" (again, no one can EVER PROVE THIS)
to start talking about it . . . together, as a past life family / team
there are plenty of others besides the two of us; we need to find each other, help each other, and use what we discover to try and "understand"
what #itALLmeans :)
#goodKarma #reincarnation #peace