I have had multiple "images" I kept/keep "seeing" and so have tried to find ways to make them all fit "neatly" into my karmic carry-on . . . but these images are overlapping and rather than assume there are multiple lives associated with the pictures
. . . I had to "drill down" to what kept showing up in actual (sort of verifiable -- to the extent ANYTHING here "could be verifiable")
data and come up with a workable "thesis"
realize . . . no one knows and my guess work is just that -- guess work
. . . my theory is that splits are 3 MAX, so never more than 3 ever and the 3 is basically a dual split with a "tag along"
so always 2 going all the time and sometimes a third, sometimes not
. . . and for a third to show up, there has to only be 2 "alive" at that point in time -- in order to "make space" for #3
in essence, a split soul "trinity"
but these split soul trinity types are rare and somewhat "unusual" creatures . . . there are also dual splits, also rare but less so than those who split une, deux, trois
on top of that, I believe the soul inhabits the fetus straight off, so the "3rd incarnation" has to have a sufficient gestation period prior to birth
. . . to make a funky theory even funkier, I think we have a corresponding parallel lifetime (sort of a mirror image) and our souls have an energetic footprint both here . . . and "there"
so the 3 are actually 6 !! One on Earth + one as a mirror image in "the Spirit World"
and yeah, that IS what I think
to use kind of a geekish example, it's sort of like a live app and a cloud clone backup
. . . so, 1, 2, 3
my guess as to how many people "split" ?? -- probably less than 1 in 500, maybe 1 in a 1000
and the ones who do a binary split, meaning they are part of this split soul "trinity" -- very rare, I would think
but I believe it happens (somehow) and I also believe EVERYONE reincarnates
I also believe that those who "split", split because they are "under contract" to keep rolling
so for that core group, I think there is some element of them that is "always here"
unusual creatures, perhaps :)
I have also said -- many times -- that consciousness is "non-local"
I believe we get "higher levels of access" when we have moved into alignment with the energetic vibration "transmitting" that "energy packet" of information
I have also talked about psychic ability as "tiered", like access codes and security clearance at the Pentagon
we don't create consciousness "in the brain", either (in my opinion) -- I believe we "access it" and process it
data is "stored in the cloud"
the brain is simply a processing app
we, therefore, don't "create it" within the brain but "connect to it"
the "info" is encrypted and then we "de-code it"
so enhanced consciousness is not building the mind, but getting higher levels of "clearance" to access higher levels of data
past lives are simply a holographic imprinting of consciousness
the body is the app; the soul essence (what drives the car) is non-local
we process information to make decisions -- this is the soul
It is limited, in some case, by the receiving mechanism
this is the body's "genetics" -- the app
and the "health" of the individual -- the antenna
the brain is like a processor -- the "hard drive", if you will
but data is data and (my opinion) is stored somewhere else
enhanced consciousness is building up the processor to connect to raw data, stored in "the cloud" (ie "with God")
so, basically, "soul splits" mean that we have 3 bodies all using the same ID card to get into work, so they each,metaphorically, do 8 hour shifts and just go, flat out, 24/7
yep :)
a theory, everyone has one, and no one knows (or can know) for sure
but this is mine; une, deux, trois