add into this wintry mix, James Comey, whose Sun is directly opposite Trump's at 22 Sagittarius (and therefore conjunct Trump's Moon) and we begin to see the "karmic drama" taking shape
then I looked up the charts of Melania and Ivanka: Melania has nothing on this Gemini-Sag axis (although her 25 Virgo Pluto squares Trump's Sun and Moon -- translation: tension) . . . so Melania likely gets a pass
so on to Ivanka. Does she have anything tied into this natally that might be "triggered" by this Saturn transit?
Ivanka has a very nice conjunction of Venus and Neptune -- parked at what (at least to me as I look at it right now) might be something of an "awkward zone" as her Venus is 23 Sagittarius, Neptune 22 Sagittarius
so Ivanka will be part of the drama in ways Melania will not; suggesting (to me) Ivanka takes a hit in some way while Melania probably skates through it all unscathed
so now we move on to Jared . . . does HE have anything parked on this 21-24 degree Gemini-Sag axis?
well indeed he DOES: Neptune at 23 Sagittarius, exactly conjunct Ivanka's Venus and one degree from her Neptune and 2 degrees from Trump's Moon
it is quite normal for a parent to have very strong intra-aspects with their child and a husband with his wife
so that is not unusual -- what is interesting is how they all tie in to this "window" with Sagittarius
I would say this is a karmic "fated" time
as Saturn continues dancing backwards through the cosmos the tick tick tick tick of his stilted dance
is likely to tick tick tick off quite a few
Trump, Ivanka, and Jared all (in varying degrees) are likely to see dramatic times ahead in the next 10 weeks; so, too, in a different way (I would imagine) will Director Comey
Melania (in my opinion) will not be affected in anywhere near the same way as the others
Astrology; it's what's for dinner