again . . . and soon
I didn't realize until now that there have been a few big ones over the past week -- however, I feel that the next 10-20 days is when things "heat up"
the Earth is in that "unhappy space" again -- more (and bigger) earthquakes
again . . . and soon I didn't realize until now that there have been a few big ones over the past week -- however, I feel that the next 10-20 days is when things "heat up"
I have had, by some odd twist, several people over the past few days talk to me about, essentially, embracing the concept of "role model"
not my normal mode of thinking but, after thinking about it for a few days, I think I may see "their point" to live an authentic life, to not run from my "truth", to not fear love or "exposure" to stand up to whatever comes -- this, at times, can be a daunting task and baby steps moving forward, more and more I "embrace" that this "path" is as it "should be" -- and I try to put my ego aside and live in harmony with all "that is" there are no maps, few guides and I have crushed many a toe walking in the dark but, no matter, I keep moving forward, broken toes and all I learn as I go I believe (and of course I can't "prove" this, but believe it nonetheless) that ALL "significant" relationships in your life -- whether they last 30 minutes or 30 years
are karmic -- Soul mates, by definition, "change" your life because, in responding to them, you change and thus, poof, your path changes, as well you may love them, you may be utterly annoyed by them, or mesmerized or all of the above but you are never indifferent -- soul mates "speak" to your soul the still small voice where God whispers and they are a vital part of your evolutionary path love matters -- whether a moment or a lifetime when you meet one, when your heart dances . . . whether it crashes later or soars they change your world -- and that change, ultimately, is always for the better Over the last 4-5 days I have been "neck deep" in karmic relationships, seeing things live today superimposed / layered with visions of long times past a gift for me to see all this -- or a burden? who's to say but in watching the wheels on my karmic bus go round and round I have realized, like a flash, how to "end" my book on concurrent "past lives" all things are given -- they just come, many times, in packages, wrapped in lovely bows, we aren't expecting something I have said many times: you don't "make things" happen
you ALIGN with the state of being in which that "thing" CAN happen a subtle, but powerful shift this holds true for love, as well -- if you are not in alignment with those attitudes that support love: trust, self-respect, caring, genuine affection and passion then no love can find you there is no point looking for it outside yourself -- the change happens within you this is the only place from which true lasting change can originate there are no saviors, no fixers -- you are either in sync with a "love vibe" or love, no matter who shows up, will pass on by this is as true for me as anyone else . . . but, just like "prosperity" and "psychic ability", the trick is being in the right "space" work on yourself and everything else will fall "in line" ** photo credit LIORA |
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May 2021