SELF-CONFIDENCE . . . the key to open all doors the social currency to get jobs, get bigger jobs, make friends, get a date, do well in school, hit home runs, score touchdowns, make things HAPPEN I understand how to help people gain self-confidence, find ways of flipping their frowns upside down . . . release weight, release old fears, move ahead with their "plans" as well as help them figure out what a good plan might BE !! this is what I do . . . TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP COACHING helping YOU be a leader, helping you TRANSFORM, showing you ways to make your world #BETTER |

And just who the heck am I to make such a BOLD claim !!!
. . .. I was an internationally televised clairvoyant in my 30's, the featured psychic in a syndicated TV show, "Kebrina's Psychic Answer", that aired from 1992-1994
Seemingly out of nowhere, with no training and a history of being a "rebel", in my 40's and 50's, initially during the "dot com era", I suddenly (somehow) went from being an entry-level software trainer and technical writer
to being a corporate executive (specializing in Change + Problem Management, as well as Business and Operational Analytics), without a college degree or any significant "prior experience", at my peak making close to $300,000 a year
. . . and then, in my early 50's, I left "Corporate America" and went right back to being a world-ranked clairvoyant, as well as being both (another thing that happened "seemingly" out of nowhere) a film actor and model
Known internationally as "The Rock n Roll Psychic" . . . over the years I gained a reputation of being a "flat out clairvoyant", someone able to see auras, chakras, ghosts, past lives, perhaps even your dear late Aunt Petunia
I am currently working to blend all those worlds together: Intuition + Analysis + Creativity through a program I call "Transformational Leadership Coaching"
My work is rooted in the idea of RE-awakening the creative spirit within and, to that end, all my work is focused on Creative Problem Solving + Personal "Transformation"
I am "just as psychic" now as I ever was -- in fact, probably more so but I have chosen to approach my work from this vantage point as I want to ground our sessions in exploring options
. . . rather than passively looking to see "what will happen"
I was NEVER a traditional "fortune teller" (much as sometimes others may have wished me to be) . . . the future is a fairly straightforward map blending how you think, what unconsciously may influence how (and what) you think, and how motivated you may be for change
my work is focused on exploring what's "behind the scenes" so that you take control of your options "in the future" as opposed to allowing whatever might come TO COME
I am also a big believer in helping people find their P-O-W-E-R and with that discovery, the self-confidence to own it, rock it, make things HAPPEN . . . this is what I want to do with you; help you find your Rock Star within (because, for sure, it's THERE !!)
and watch you Rock Hard from the inside out !!! Be FINE and truly SHINE !!!!
My Philosophy + the "foundation" of my work . . . the important piece of my "job" is to help you gain clarity about who you ARE as well as help you see what stands between you . . . (typically this is grounded in an emotional "reaction" to something within your "History")
and the life YOU want (and deserve !!)
. . . my job, ultimately, is to help you discover your TRUE "essence" in order to discover, also, what needs to be "released" in order for you to most fully "express YOUR unique truth"
My primary client base has historically been creative artists: actors, musicians, models, film makers, fashion designers, entrepreneurs . . . as a former corporate executive, though, I also have a natural affinity for working on matters regarding Business + Commerce
Nicknamed "Human Xanax" by one of my clients, I am also (so I've been told) a pretty good person to talk with when you're feeling stressed
Over the course of my career, I have done an estimated 15,000+ individual sessions
My "credentials" . . . in addition to having over 10 years experience as an Executive and Project Manager at some of the leading corporations in the World (Chevron, Ace Insurance, Verisign, Kaiser Permanente, Enron, and The Defense Intelligence Agency, to name but a few), I also have an additional 20 plus years experience as a professional psychic, acknowledged for many years as being one of the top clairvoyants in the world, listed in over 30 different publications as "One of the Top 50 (or "Top 100") Psychics in the World"
I was voted, in a recent online poll, the 2016-2017 "Man of the Year" and "Male Lightworker of the Year" . . . Please see the Home Page for additional details
Even though I never graduated from college (although I was considered something of an academic wunderkind and have MORE credit hours than needed, had I taken the required courses as opposed to just taking the ones that "interested me", to have earned my B.A.)
I actually (because I am a good talker and talked my way into the courses, without the pre-requisites) completed Graduate Coursework at Ohio State University in English, Theatre, History, and History of Art so had I finished my degree I would have received both a Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts at the same time
. . . I was also blessed to have trained, early on, with some of the leading teachers in the metaphysical community, including Sanaya Roman (Living With Joy), Dan Millman (Way of the Peaceful Warrior), and Dr. Helen Wambach (Life Before Life) in addition to completing hypnotherapy certification training with Dr. A. M. Krasner, (The Wizard Within), developer of the Krasner Method in Hypnotherapy
I am currently attending college once again at Miami University (one of the original "Public Ivys" noted for its famed Farmer Business School) . . . In addition to my ongoing coursework at Miami, I have coursework in Business at Stanford University in addition to advanced instruction in ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) and ITSM (Information Technology Service Management)
I also offer a program designed specifically for behavioral change -- "67 Days to a NEW U . . . Breaking old habits, building new + better ones"; please see the 67 Days tab above
as well as Corporate Consulting in Change + Problem Management, Test Design and Delivery, Operational Analytics and Innovation Management . . . please see the Innovation Mgmt tab above for additional info
My client list includes major recording stars from Nashville and LA to San Francisco, London, and Berlin
Actors (both stage and TV / Film "stars" from The United States, Mexico, Canada, Germany, Russia, England, Ireland, France, Italy, Poland, Holland, Greece, New Zealand, Japan, and Australia), TV and Movie Directors, Producers, and Crew
professional athletes from the NFL, NBA and MLB, NFL cheerleaders, International supermodels + designers, Playboy "Playmates", professional psychics and healers, and major players on Wall Street
. . . as well as clients, literally, from every continent
And just who the heck am I to make such a BOLD claim !!!
. . .. I was an internationally televised clairvoyant in my 30's, the featured psychic in a syndicated TV show, "Kebrina's Psychic Answer", that aired from 1992-1994
Seemingly out of nowhere, with no training and a history of being a "rebel", in my 40's and 50's, initially during the "dot com era", I suddenly (somehow) went from being an entry-level software trainer and technical writer
to being a corporate executive (specializing in Change + Problem Management, as well as Business and Operational Analytics), without a college degree or any significant "prior experience", at my peak making close to $300,000 a year
. . . and then, in my early 50's, I left "Corporate America" and went right back to being a world-ranked clairvoyant, as well as being both (another thing that happened "seemingly" out of nowhere) a film actor and model
Known internationally as "The Rock n Roll Psychic" . . . over the years I gained a reputation of being a "flat out clairvoyant", someone able to see auras, chakras, ghosts, past lives, perhaps even your dear late Aunt Petunia
I am currently working to blend all those worlds together: Intuition + Analysis + Creativity through a program I call "Transformational Leadership Coaching"
My work is rooted in the idea of RE-awakening the creative spirit within and, to that end, all my work is focused on Creative Problem Solving + Personal "Transformation"
I am "just as psychic" now as I ever was -- in fact, probably more so but I have chosen to approach my work from this vantage point as I want to ground our sessions in exploring options
. . . rather than passively looking to see "what will happen"
I was NEVER a traditional "fortune teller" (much as sometimes others may have wished me to be) . . . the future is a fairly straightforward map blending how you think, what unconsciously may influence how (and what) you think, and how motivated you may be for change
my work is focused on exploring what's "behind the scenes" so that you take control of your options "in the future" as opposed to allowing whatever might come TO COME
I am also a big believer in helping people find their P-O-W-E-R and with that discovery, the self-confidence to own it, rock it, make things HAPPEN . . . this is what I want to do with you; help you find your Rock Star within (because, for sure, it's THERE !!)
and watch you Rock Hard from the inside out !!! Be FINE and truly SHINE !!!!
My Philosophy + the "foundation" of my work . . . the important piece of my "job" is to help you gain clarity about who you ARE as well as help you see what stands between you . . . (typically this is grounded in an emotional "reaction" to something within your "History")
and the life YOU want (and deserve !!)
. . . my job, ultimately, is to help you discover your TRUE "essence" in order to discover, also, what needs to be "released" in order for you to most fully "express YOUR unique truth"
My primary client base has historically been creative artists: actors, musicians, models, film makers, fashion designers, entrepreneurs . . . as a former corporate executive, though, I also have a natural affinity for working on matters regarding Business + Commerce
Nicknamed "Human Xanax" by one of my clients, I am also (so I've been told) a pretty good person to talk with when you're feeling stressed
Over the course of my career, I have done an estimated 15,000+ individual sessions
My "credentials" . . . in addition to having over 10 years experience as an Executive and Project Manager at some of the leading corporations in the World (Chevron, Ace Insurance, Verisign, Kaiser Permanente, Enron, and The Defense Intelligence Agency, to name but a few), I also have an additional 20 plus years experience as a professional psychic, acknowledged for many years as being one of the top clairvoyants in the world, listed in over 30 different publications as "One of the Top 50 (or "Top 100") Psychics in the World"
I was voted, in a recent online poll, the 2016-2017 "Man of the Year" and "Male Lightworker of the Year" . . . Please see the Home Page for additional details
Even though I never graduated from college (although I was considered something of an academic wunderkind and have MORE credit hours than needed, had I taken the required courses as opposed to just taking the ones that "interested me", to have earned my B.A.)
I actually (because I am a good talker and talked my way into the courses, without the pre-requisites) completed Graduate Coursework at Ohio State University in English, Theatre, History, and History of Art so had I finished my degree I would have received both a Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts at the same time
. . . I was also blessed to have trained, early on, with some of the leading teachers in the metaphysical community, including Sanaya Roman (Living With Joy), Dan Millman (Way of the Peaceful Warrior), and Dr. Helen Wambach (Life Before Life) in addition to completing hypnotherapy certification training with Dr. A. M. Krasner, (The Wizard Within), developer of the Krasner Method in Hypnotherapy
I am currently attending college once again at Miami University (one of the original "Public Ivys" noted for its famed Farmer Business School) . . . In addition to my ongoing coursework at Miami, I have coursework in Business at Stanford University in addition to advanced instruction in ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) and ITSM (Information Technology Service Management)
I also offer a program designed specifically for behavioral change -- "67 Days to a NEW U . . . Breaking old habits, building new + better ones"; please see the 67 Days tab above
as well as Corporate Consulting in Change + Problem Management, Test Design and Delivery, Operational Analytics and Innovation Management . . . please see the Innovation Mgmt tab above for additional info
My client list includes major recording stars from Nashville and LA to San Francisco, London, and Berlin
Actors (both stage and TV / Film "stars" from The United States, Mexico, Canada, Germany, Russia, England, Ireland, France, Italy, Poland, Holland, Greece, New Zealand, Japan, and Australia), TV and Movie Directors, Producers, and Crew
professional athletes from the NFL, NBA and MLB, NFL cheerleaders, International supermodels + designers, Playboy "Playmates", professional psychics and healers, and major players on Wall Street
. . . as well as clients, literally, from every continent
Written Astrological Analysis
This Service is based on Astrology, so birth dates are necessary. Please include birth date and time of day (if known) and place
With Astrology, knowing the time of day (and place) allows for the creation of the natal chart
Having an accurate birth time provides for a significantly greater level of information, but the readings can still be done without the birth time, although the potential effectiveness, and available level of detail, are greatly enhanced through having an accurate time of birth
All readings are individually created by me . . . you will receive your birth chart and a detailed astrological analysis in a pdf
Special Offerings . . . |