I offer Creativity + Intuition Coaching Sessions . . . integrating Acting, Intuition, and Business. My primary page for my work is Shamanic-Theatre.com
My backgound, perhaps, is fairly unique. I was a psychic on TV 24 hours a day in the 1990's and a corporate executive making $290,000 a year in the 2000's, and then (in my mid-50's) an actor in Hollywood-- so I understand not only how things "work" in a corporate environment, I also have a unique perspective on how people can quickly "transform their world".
I have made my "reputation", over the years, based in large part on my ability to "predict" future events . . . this was true as a Business Analyst just as much as it was during my career as an "Intuitive" . . . as I continued to display an "uncanny" ability to forsee problems and build programs to mitigate their impact throughout my corporate career .
My backgound, perhaps, is fairly unique. I was a psychic on TV 24 hours a day in the 1990's and a corporate executive making $290,000 a year in the 2000's, and then (in my mid-50's) an actor in Hollywood-- so I understand not only how things "work" in a corporate environment, I also have a unique perspective on how people can quickly "transform their world".
I have made my "reputation", over the years, based in large part on my ability to "predict" future events . . . this was true as a Business Analyst just as much as it was during my career as an "Intuitive" . . . as I continued to display an "uncanny" ability to forsee problems and build programs to mitigate their impact throughout my corporate career .
Written Astrological Analysis
This Service is based on Astrology, so birth dates are necessary. Please include birth date and time of day (if known) and place
With Astrology, knowing the time of day (and place) allows for the creation of the natal chart
Having an accurate birth time provides for a significantly greater level of information, but the readings can still be done without the birth time, although the potential effectiveness, and available level of detail, are greatly enhanced through having an accurate time of birth
All readings are individually created by me . . . you will receive your birth chart and a detailed astrological analysis in a pdf
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