but this is not everyone . . . and for those who have "adapted" from the last round, it will be pretty much same ole same ole
you won't necessarily notice it that much . . . although you will surely "hear about it"
people are typically pretty decent, when push and shove get together . . . I don't expect the world to come to some apocalyptic crash nor see some Soylent Green nightmare coming our way
this doesn't mean that business as usual will continue; there are systemic "issues" that are lying in wait
basic building blocks to the future that are tilted -- and when things that are tilted take on too much weight, they typically either fall over
or require additional propping up
this is going to happen, in one form or another
I take no pleasure in pronouncing an economic down-turn. I try not to focus too far out, as it is not necessarily "helpful"
and I have moved past, thankfully, the need to "prove I'm psychic"
but stuff is about to "happen" and a lot of it ain't pretty
this isn't the end of the world; for many it will be an improvement
but strictly in terms of "asset protection" (and this only matters if you have assets to protect), the next 12-18 months may be a little